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SDG 6 Science and Technology Innovation Center officially lands in Shenzhen

2023-07-11 16:00:00

On July 6, the "SDG 6 Science and Technology Innovation center" of the China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development (CIRME) was officially opened in Shenzhen. The Center will be based in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal of clean water and sanitation, providing water and sanitation for all, and managing them in a sustainable manner.



The center was inaugurated by Prof. Lu Hualiang, President of the China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development (CIRMESD), Chairman of the China Academic Committee on Responsible Management Education (CACRME), Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Changzhou University, Chief Accountant,  Prof. Huang Haifeng, Outgoing Board Member of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Initiative (2020-2023), Co-Director of the China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development (CIRMESD), Chairman of the CACRME China Academic Committee, Dr. Xu Guangwei, Vice President of the China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development, Co-Secretary-General of the China Academic Committee for Responsible Management Education, Associate Dean of the Business School of Changzhou University; and Dr. Wang Wenzhao, Distinguished Researcher of the China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fruillai Environmental Protection Science and Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited.

According to Prof. Lu Hualiang, China Academy of Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development will continue to promote the participation of Chinese universities and enterprises in the field of global sustainable development, and the establishment of "SDG6 Science and Technology Innovation center" is of great strategic significance for the implementation of the sustainable development goals put forward by the United Nations, and for the realization of clean drinking water and a better environment. Prof. Huang Haifeng said, "The establishment of the committee is of great strategic importance to the implementation of the UN's sustainable development goals and the realisation of clean water and a better environment.



Prof. Huang Haifeng said that since the establishment of the committee, it has been practicing the concept of sustainable development put forward by the United Nations and actively promoting all-round cooperation between Chinese universities and enterprises in the field of sustainable development. Prof. Huang Haifeng expressed his appreciation for the strong support provided by Forerunner in promoting responsible management education and sustainable development, and hoped that Forerunner would continue to leverage its technological advantages in the field of water treatment and contribute to the sustainable development and enhancement of the water environment in China.

According to Dr. Xu Guangwei, sustainable development is closely related to everyone's life, ecological sustainable development is the center of sustainable development and an important development strategy of the country, universities and enterprises should work closely together to promote the sustainable development of the ecological water environment of the country and the society.

Wei Weipeng, director of the management center of the Institute of Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development, said that enterprises draw on each other's strengths and complement each other, and efficiently promote sustainable development through continuous scientific and technological innovation.

He Yan, Director of the International Ecological Development Alliance and Founder of Top Player Brand, shared that strengthening ecological and environmental education, spreading the concept of environmental education in depth, teaching and learning in the classroom, and rooting the concept of green environmental protection into the hearts of students.

Dr. Wang Wenzhao expressed his gratitude to President Lu Hualiang, Chairman Huang Haifeng and all the members for their trust and strong support. Dr. Wang Wenzhao said: SDG6 has always been the direction of Forerunner's struggle, and as a pioneer in decentralized wastewater treatment, Forerunner has the responsibility and obligation to promote the industry to focus on the international common goal, collaborate with Shenzhen Graduate School of Peking University, International Eco-Development Alliance, and integrate the industry's experts and resources, and continue to increase innovation and R&D efforts and its application, to promote the realisation of SDG6 to make China's contribution.





The China Institute for Responsible Management Education and Sustainable Development (CIRMESD) aims to promote the co-operation between Chinese higher education institutions and enterprises in the field of sustainable development in order to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goal of the Institute is to integrate SDGs into the curricula and research of China's higher education institutions, and to encourage companies to implement SDGs in practice.The Institute will provide higher education institutions with SDG curriculum design, teaching guides, training of trainers, and research support, as well as support companies to practise the SDGs through research, consulting, and exchange activities.

Read about an introduction to CIRME on UN PRME website https://www.unprme.org/news/prme-joins-the-second-annual-conference-of-the-china-academic-committee-for-responsible-management-education-and-the-china-forum-on-responsible-management-education

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